Being pampered feels amazing! Especially when it’s the morning of your wedding day. There is so much to plan for a wedding and it can be abit stressful. The last thing you want is to be stressing the morning of your wedding. You need to sit down, relax and let the professionals and wedding party do all the last minute things. We’re going to give you a few tips on how to make sure that you have the best experience and feel calm and relaxed and super pampered on the morning of your wedding.Perfectly Beautiful is here to explain how to pamper yourself.

Organise some extra help

The last thing you want to be doing is running around, trying to pick up last minute items for your wedding day. You want to be there with your bridesmaids and family members relaxing and enjoying the morning and experience. It’s a great idea to organize someone else to do the last minute jobs on the day. Either a friend or hire a professional to organize all the last minute jobs for the morning, rather than you doing it yourself. This will save you so much time and it’s way better than running around yourself. If you have somebody else picking up everything and doing all the last minute little bits and pieces. As a result you can relax with a glass of champagne in your hand. Of course, while you get your hair and makeup done and be pampered.

organise extra help

Matching comfy robes

Why not start the day with a beautiful robe that is just for you and match it up with some comfy slippers. Purchase matching gowns for your bridesmaids as well. That way you’re all comfy in your matching robes. It’s also a great idea to wear when you get your makeup and hair done, as you can slip it off easily. Rather than trying to pull something over your head and accidentally smudging your makeup or ruining your hair. They also look fantastic in photos for when the photographer arrives. So all round, they are a bonus and something that is great to have on the morning of your wedding.

wedding day matching robes

Prep your face

Now the morning of your wedding can be really emotional and you might shed a few tears here and there. So making sure that you have some nice soft tissues for your nose and eyes is a blessing in disguise. Put on a face mask or those gel inserts around your eyes to keep them looking beautiful and fresh. This will also help stop any puffiness from all those tears that you might shed. Plus it will leave you with the perfect base for when you get your wedding makeup done.

prep your face for makeup

Create a relaxing ambience

Another great idea that will help fill you feel really pampered and relaxed is having some candles lit. A few beautiful, fresh scented candles around the place just keeps that real calmness and makes the place smell and feel relaxed. Close your eyes while your wedding makeup is being applied and smell those calming aromers.

relaxing ambience

Pop a bottle of Champagne

You can’t forget the bottle of champagne to share around. One glass helps ease those nerves a bit. And why not spoil yourself? It is the morning on your wedding day after all. Plus when your wedding makeup is completed the makeup artist will not apply your lips until the end so no stress there.

wedding day champagne

Have everything prepared before

Lucky last is making sure that you get everything out and ready the night before. Have your wedding dress hanging up, ready to go. Your rings, jewelry, shoes, bags and everything out ready for the wedding day. So on the morning of your wedding, you’re not rushing around trying to find everything. You know everything is there and can be assured that you haven’t missed anything.

morning of your wedding

Every bride wants to feel pampered on the morning of your wedding. So make sure that you’re prepared and organized. Organise someone else to do all the little tasks that you really don’t need to do. Make sure that you’re sitting back in your nice comfy robe and slippers. While sipping on a glass of champagne with a beautiful face mask on. And have your favourtie candles in the background. While getting your hair and makeup done so you look perfectly beautiful What a perfect way to celebrate your morning with your beautiful bridesmaids and your family. Don’t forget this is such a special day in your life. So make sure that you are feeling pampered and relaxed.